Restoration & Relaxation
$10 Coupon enter code: YLESAVETEN
- Savings will be applied only to the following sessions: Avalon Facial, Branwen Facial or Back Body Energy Work with Reiki (holist massage).
- Offers expires until January 10th, 2025 although you can book your sessions in advance until February 14th.
- Unlimited number of sessions can be purchased with this coupon.
- Cancellation and rescheduling policies will apply.
3 Reiki Follow Up Sessions
/60 mins each session
- The 3 sessions package expires in 4 months after purchase.
- Sessions can be with/without Chrystal Healing or Tuning Forks.
- Cancellations and rescheduling policies will apply.
- Each follow up session is 60 mins and by appointment only. Please call at (202) 425-4505 to arrange your sessions.
- Each session can be given as a gift or share but a notification to YLE is required in advance. Please call (202) 425-4505 to provide information.